be conscious, go with us


You can work from home via the Internet:

1. Register at least 5-10 PTC sites

2. Click the ads everyday. Note: No click, No Money

3. Cashout your earnings via Alertpay or Paypal


How Much can you Earn ?

Earnings Example (if you join 1 PTC Site)

You click 10ads per day =$0.01

20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00

Your daily earnings = $2.10

Your Weekly earnings = $14.70

Your monthly earnings = $63.00

Your yearly earnings = $756.00


Earnings Example (if you join 10 PTC Site)

You click 10ads per day =$0.10

20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00

Your daily earnings = $2.10

Your weekly earnings = $14.70

Your monthly earnings = $63.00 X 10 PTC = $630.00

Your yearly earnings = $9,072.00



STEP BY STEP Paid to Click (PTC)

Step 1: Be sure to have your own email. If you don't have one, get a free email at or


Step 2: Register at and is where most PTCs will pay you)


Step 3: Register a FREE account at the PTC programs/sites below. Just click the banners to register for FREE.


Step 4: Login to your PTC programs and start earning by clicking on the ads and viewing it (wait for the check mark to be sure you got paid for your click)


Step 5: Make the clicking and viewing of ads a daily habit (all it takes is 1-2 hours a day depends on how many PTCs you joined)


Step 6: Refer others to join under you. If you want, you can copy my ad. Just change the referral links in the banners. Be PATIENT. Keep on clicking.


Step 7: Cashout your earnings when you reach minimum payout.


Step 8: Enjoy your money and spend it wisely!


PTC (paid to click)   Referrer = ishawon


If you face any problem please write us to take steps for solving problems